I am a product manager, engineer, researcher, strategist, and teammate. I am driven to bring to market the world's most innovative technologies.

Toronto is where I was born and raised but presently, Seattle is where I call home. Between then and now, I was fortunate to accumulate a unique set of professional and academic experiences, ranging from writing simulations of the Higgs Boson in the Large Hadron Collider to designing policies impacting tens of thousands of Microsoft partners worldwide.

These experiences have taught me that I derive purpose from the following:

  1. Learning and constantly pushing the boundaries of my knowledge.
  2. Solving problems, using that knowledge, for others and society.
  3. Scaling those solutions through processes and people.

Below is a shortlist of my experiences in reverse chronological order. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if any are of interest.


Growing up, anytime I used my PC, I would wonder, "how is this possible?". I was intrigued about not only how the PC was built but also the jobs that needed to be done to deliver the technology to market and ultimately into my hands.

At Microsoft I have learned just that: how cloud computing is built, sold and implemented. My role at Microsoft has included the management of strategic programs and resources for Microsoft's ecosystem of over 400,000 partners. These partners are responsible for the job of getting Microsoft's technology into the hands of its users around the world. This experience has taught me the importance of simple, transparent governance and fostering legitimacy with an ecosystem by considering not only economic but also behavorial motivators.

2019-2021 | HARVARD (BOSTON)

You know the feeling when, on a bright sunny day, you put sunglasses on and realize that there is all this vivid detail around you that you couldn't see before? That was how I felt when studying for my MBA and Masters of Science. As someone who had only deep technical knowledge, the breadth of the program helped me see the world with new detail.

The dual degree MS/MBA program was an amazing combination of engineering classes, business school courses and a taste of entrepreneurship. Highlights included building a robotic arm that used computer vision to pick up objects, studying COVID policies as the disease was emerging, and meeting so many incredible classmates with different backgrounds.

2015-2019 | HATCH (TORONTO)

One night in Cusco, Peru, during my summer travels after university, I was surprised by a call from my mother. She said, "the lawyers from Hatch want to know if they can list you as an inventor on your internship project".

That call set off an exciting four years at Hatch, a Canadian engineering firm, in which I invented and commercialized novel technologies for the metallurgical industry. My pride and joy was "ElectroDAR", a radar-based sensor to measure electrode length in smelters, which I co-invented during my prior summer internship. Its patent was granted (link) and I managed the lifecycle product from ideation to live testing.

The picture on the left was taken during a project at a steelmaking plant.

2011-2015 | QUEEN’S (KINGSTON)

While choosing Queen's was an easy decision, the decision to study Engineering Physics was much more difficult. The program was known as the most challenging at the university with about a third of students transferring out after the first year.

Engineering Physics proved to be the right program for me. While challenging, it was incredibly satisfying as I learned how the world worked right down to the quantum level. A highlight was building a skateboard brake that could automatically maintain a set speed downhill using eddy current braking.

The picture on the right is courtesy of Shiksha and shows the Physics department building (round building in middle).